Hide My WP Ghost Pro Plugin

Original price was: 29.00$.Current price is: 21.00$.

  • 1 Site Activation
  • 1-year Plugin Update
  • 1-year Events Log & Alerts
  • Premium Security Features
  • Brute Force Attacks Protection
  • and More
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Secure Your Website with Hide My WP Ghost Pro Cheap Price Today

When it comes to website security, there’s no room for compromise. With hackers becoming more sophisticated by the day, it’s crucial to take proactive measures to protect your WordPress site from potential threats.

That’s where Hide My WP Ghost Pro comes in. This powerful security plugin offers comprehensive protection against a range of online attacks, all at an affordable price point.

By using Hide My WP Ghost Pro, you can safeguard your website from malicious attacks such as brute force attempts, IP blocking, and even cloaking techniques. Not only will this help keep your website secure, but it will also enhance your website’s overall performance, thanks to the plugin’s optimization capabilities.

Key Takeaways:

  • Hide My WP Ghost Pro offers comprehensive website security at an affordable price point.
  • The plugin protects against a range of online attacks, including brute force attempts and IP blocking.
  • Using Hide My WP Ghost Pro can also optimize your website’s performance, thanks to the plugin’s optimization capabilities.

The Benefits of Hide My WP Ghost Pro

Hide My WP Ghost Pro offers a wide range of benefits for securing your WordPress website. Its affordable price point makes it a cost-effective option for website owners looking to protect their online presence. Let’s explore some of the main benefits of using this plugin:

Website Firewall

Hide My WP Ghost Pro provides a website firewall that blocks malicious traffic and requests. This feature helps to prevent attacks like SQL injection, cross-site scripting (XSS), and directory traversal. The firewall also blocks brute force attacks that try to guess users’ passwords, preventing hackers from gaining unauthorized access.

IP Blocking

The plugin’s IP blocking feature allows website owners to block specific IP addresses or ranges. This can be useful for blocking bots and known malicious IP addresses. By blocking these addresses, website owners can reduce the potential for attacks and protect their sensitive data.

Brute Force Protection

Hide My WP Ghost Pro protects websites from brute force attacks that attempt to guess login credentials. The plugin limits the number of login attempts from a single IP address, making it more difficult for hackers to gain access to the website. This feature helps to prevent unauthorized access and protect the website’s data.

Cloaking Techniques

The plugin’s cloaking techniques hide the fact that the website is running on WordPress. This can help to prevent attacks that target WordPress vulnerabilities. The cloaking techniques also disguise the URLs of key WordPress files, making it more difficult for hackers to target them.

Using Hide My WP Ghost Pro not only protects your website, but it also enhances its performance. The plugin optimizes your website’s code, reduces server load, and improves page loading speed. By securing your website, you’re also improving its overall performance.

Overall, Hide My WP Ghost Pro provides a comprehensive set of security features that help to protect your WordPress website. It’s an affordable option for website owners who want to protect their online presence without breaking the bank.

The Performance Benefits of Hide My WP Ghost Pro

Besides providing top-notch security for your website at an affordable price, Hide My WP Ghost Pro offers several performance benefits that can improve your website’s overall user experience.

By optimizing your website’s code and reducing server load, Hide My WP Ghost Pro can dramatically improve your website’s page loading speed. And since website speed is a crucial factor in user experience and search engine ranking, this plugin is a valuable investment for any website owner.

According to a recent study, a one-second delay in page loading speed can result in a 7% reduction in conversions. That means if your website earns $100,000 a day, a one-second delay could cost you $2.5 million in lost sales every year.

Aside from speeding up your website, Hide My WP Ghost Pro can also reduce the amount of data that is sent from your server to the user’s device. By compressing and minifying your website’s HTML, CSS, and JavaScript files, the plugin can significantly decrease the amount of bandwidth used by your website, resulting in lower hosting costs.

In short, by using Hide My WP Ghost Pro to secure your WordPress website, not only will you be protecting it from hackers and malicious bots, but you’ll also be improving its overall performance and user experience, making it a smart investment for any website owner.

How Hide My WP Ghost Pro Protects Your WordPress Site

Hide My WP Ghost Pro provides advanced security measures that protect your WordPress site from malicious attacks. Its security features go beyond the basic protections offered by other similar plugins, making it a reliable and powerful solution for website security.

Hide WordPress Login Pages

One of the main ways hackers target WordPress sites is by attempting to access the login page. Hide My WP Ghost Pro hides the WordPress login pages, making it difficult for hackers to find and exploit them. This feature also prevents bots from attempting brute-force attacks on your website.

Change Default Plugin and Theme Paths

Hide My WP Ghost Pro also changes the default paths of your plugins and themes. This makes it harder for hackers to target your website’s vulnerabilities as the paths become more difficult to find. It also protects against malware attacks that target default plugins and theme paths.

Disguise URLs

Hide My WP Ghost Pro disguises URLs to protect your website from being targeted by malicious bots or hackers. This feature makes it difficult for hackers to identify vulnerabilities in your website, making it less likely that your site will get hacked.

“Hide My WP Ghost Pro offers advanced security measures that effectively protect your website from malicious attacks and hackers.”

Overall, Hide My WP Ghost Pro is an excellent choice for securing your WordPress site. Its powerful security features go beyond basic protections, providing reliable and robust security for your website.


In conclusion, website security is a crucial aspect of running a WordPress site. With the affordable and efficient Hide My WP Ghost Pro plugin, website owners can protect their site from malicious attacks and keep their data safe.

Not only does Hide My WP Ghost Pro offer features such as website firewall, IP blocking, brute force protection, and cloaking techniques that contribute to website security, but it also optimizes website performance by reducing server load and improving page loading speed.

By using Hide My WP Ghost Pro, website owners can rest assured that their website is protected from hackers and malicious bots that may attempt to gain access to sensitive information. Don’t wait until it’s too late, secure your website with Hide My WP Ghost Pro today and enjoy peace of mind knowing your website is safe and optimized to its full potential. Do You Use Try Wordfence


Q: Is Hide My WP Ghost Pro available at a cheap price?

A: Yes, Hide My WP Ghost Pro is available at an affordable price, making it a cost-effective solution for securing your WordPress website.

Q: What are the benefits of using Hide My WP Ghost Pro?

A: Hide My WP Ghost Pro offers features such as a website firewall, IP blocking, brute force protection, and cloaking techniques, all of which contribute to a secure and hack-free website.

Q: Does Hide My WP Ghost Pro enhance website performance?

A: Yes, using Hide My WP Ghost Pro can optimize your website’s code, reduce server load, and improve page loading speed, resulting in better overall performance.

Q: How does Hide My WP Ghost Pro protect my WordPress site?

A: Hide My WP Ghost Pro hides WordPress login pages, changes default plugin and theme paths and disguises URLs, which helps protect your website from being targeted by hackers and malicious bots.

Q: What is the importance of securing a WordPress website?

A: Securing your WordPress website is crucial to protect your data, maintain your website’s reputation, and ensure that your visitors’ information is safe. Using Hide My WP Ghost Pro can help you achieve this.


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