Refund and Returns Policy

Our refund policy is robust and customer-oriented. If you encounter significant challenges in utilizing our tools, you are eligible for a full refund, provided you submit your claim within 365 days of your purchase. We value your understanding in this matter.

Eligibility for a Refund:

  1. Technical Issues: Should our tools exhibit any major malfunction, our initial step is to attempt resolution. If the issue persists and is not resolved even with author support, a refund is granted.
  2. Inaccessibility of Features: If you are unable to use the theme demo or specific features in any of our tools, you qualify for a refund.

Situations Not Eligible for a Refund:

  • Change of Mind: We regret that we cannot issue refunds if you simply change your mind. We appreciate your comprehension in this regard.

Refund Processing Time:

  • Upon approval of your refund request, the refunded amount will be credited back to you within 4 to 6 business days.

Need help?

Contact us at for questions related to refunds and returns.
